Simpsons Vocabulary

Learn words the funny way! Review the list before watching an episode then see the words in hilarious action.

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Episode 1: Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire

medley M
Verb: (music) To combine, to form a medley.
Noun: A short, or deliberately shortened tail.
Adverb: In an unexpected manner.
Verb: Relating to surgery; by means of surgery.
Adjective: Having the power to allure.
getup M
Noun: (chiefly) Clothes, costume or outfit, especially one that is ostentatious or otherwise unusual.
Adjective: (of a person) Choosy, fussy or discriminating when selecting.
Verb: (intransitive) To reflect light with a glittering luster; to sparkle, coruscate, glint or flash.
mushy M
Adjective: Overly sappy, corny, or cheesy; maudlin.
Noun: (slang) A total failure; a disappointment.
Adjective: Thin, malnourished and weak.
omen M
Noun: Something which portends or is perceived to portend either a good or evil event or circumstance in the future, or which causes a foreboding; a portent or augury.
brainy E
Adjective: (informal) Very intellectually capable.
Adjective: (archaic) Not adulterated; pure.
Noun: (uncountable) The condition quality of being frail, physically, mentally, or morally; weakness of resolution; liability to be deceived.
Noun: Esteem or favourable regard.
govern M
Verb: (transitive) To exercise a deciding or determining influence on.
Noun: The potential things that may come to pass, often favorable.
Noun: A fierce attack.
Noun: A four-footed or four-legged animal.
Noun: The condition of being staggered or amazed.
Noun: One who roves about for prey; one who prowls.

Episode 2: Bart the Genius

Noun: Any convenient short form used as a substitution for an understood or inferred whole.
ego C
Noun: (psychology) The most central part of the mind, which mediates with one's surroundings.
Noun: (psychoanalysis) The part of the mind that acts as a self-critical conscience, reflecting social standards that have been learnt.
Noun: A smaller, self-contained part of a larger entity. Often refers to a manufactured object that is part of a larger device.
Noun: (countable) Low-lying land that is regularly flooded; especially such land that is drier than a bog or a marsh.
Noun: Something that is slightly different from a type or norm.
Noun: An act of disrespect or impiety towards something considered sacred.
deface H
Verb: To damage or vandalize something, especially a surface, in a visible or conspicuous manner.
Adjective: Placed or standing apart or alone; in isolation.
unruly M
Adjective: Wild; uncontrolled.
Adjective: Not wanting to take some action; unwilling to do something.
Adjective: Opposite; in an opposite direction; in opposition; adverse.
Noun: Hereditary transmission of the physical and genetic qualities of parents to their offspring; the biological law by which living beings tend to repeat their characteristics in their descendants.
scenic E
Adjective: Having beautiful scenery; picturesque
Noun: One who, or that which, coordinates.
Noun: (uncountable) The inability to read and write.
Noun: (India) A white European woman in colonial India.
Noun: A word, phrase, number or any other sequence of units which has the property of reading the same forwards as it does backwards, character for character, sometimes disregarding punctuation, capitalization and diacritics.
Adjective: Relating to the sounds of spoken language.
Noun: (psychology) The part of the mind that we are not normally aware of.
Noun: (bullfighting) A bullfighter, especially one on horseback.
Noun: (chiefly US) A spittoon.
Noun: One who engages in bullfighting; a toreador or matador.
Noun: (calculus) One of the two fundamental objects of study in calculus (the other being integration), which quantifies the rate of change, tangency, and other qualities arising from the local behavior of a function.
Verb: (transitive) To stress, give emphasis or extra weight to (something).
ennui C
Noun: A gripping listlessness or melancholia caused by boredom; depression.
Noun: An ambiguous feeling of mental or moral depression.
Noun: A volatile essential oil now obtained from such oleoresin of from the wood of pine trees by steam distillation; a complex mixture of monoterpenes; now used as a solvent and paint thinner.

Episode 3: Homer's Odyssey

Adjective: Having a bad reputation; disreputable; notorious; unpleasant or evil; widely known, especially for something scornful.
Noun: Foolish behaviour or speech.
Noun: Any of various rotary machines that use the kinetic energy of a continuous stream of fluid (a liquid or a gas) to turn a shaft.
Adjective: Pertaining to heat or temperature.
Noun: A device that controls or limits something.
Noun: The totality of living organisms and their environment.
Adjective: Demanding perfection; being a perfectionist; imposing overly high standards.
Noun: The junction of two (or more) paths, streets, highways, or other thoroughfares.
siege H
Verb: (transitive) To assault or blockade a city or fortress with the intent of conquering by force or attrition; to besiege.
vandal M
Noun: A person who needlessly destroys, defaces, or damages things, especially other people's property.
Adjective: Respected, having respect or admiration from others.
Verb: (transitive) To mention as a case or example; to refer to; to cite
Adjective: (construed with '''''with''''') Of, or being a synonym.
Noun: (uncountable) Violation of standards of behavior.
Noun: Lack of care; the state or quality of being careless.
Noun: Inability to perform; lack of competence; ineptitude.
Noun: (figuratively) A grand concerted effort toward some purportedly worthy cause.
Noun: (figurative) An individual or group that monitors the activities of another entity (such as an individual, corporation, non-profit group, or governmental organization) on behalf of the public to ensure that entity does not behave illegally or unethically.

Episode 4: There's No Disgrace Like Home

manor E
Noun: The main house of such an estate or a similar residence; a mansion.
gasket C
Noun: (mechanics) Any mechanical seal that serves to fill the space between two objects, generally to prevent leakage between the two objects while under compression.
Noun: The act of participating, of taking part in something.
Adjective: Obligatory; required or commanded by authority.
eaglet E
Noun: The immature young of an eagle; an eagle chick.
Verb: (transitive) To cough up from the gut to feed its young, as an animal or bird does.
Adjective: Not able to be controlled, contained or governed.
Noun: An unruly, rowdy or mischievous person.
Adjective: Having a diet which is neither exclusively carnivorous nor exclusively herbivorous.
Noun: A trick or device used to attain some end.
scrimp M
Verb: (transitive) To limit or straiten; to put on short allowance.
Noun: (countable) Connection or attachment.
Adverb: Inevitably; of necessity.
Adjective: Aggressive; antagonistic.
Adjective: For which a patent has been granted.
Noun: Hostile or destructive behavior or actions.
Noun: Opposition or repugnance of mind; fixed dislike often without any conscious reasoning.
Noun: The act of preserving, guarding, or protecting; the keeping (of a thing) in a safe or entire state; preservation.
bliss E
Noun: Perfect happiness.

Episode 5: Bart the General

snivel M
Verb: (pejorative) To cry while sniffling; to whine or complain while crying.
Adjective: Horrifyingly shocking.
Noun: The act of one who dawdles.
afoot M
Verb: (figurative) In motion; in action; astir; stirring; in progress.
Adjective: Like a living being, resembling life, giving an accurate representation
Verb: To construct again; to restore.
tattle E
Verb: (intransitive, Canada, US, derogatory) Often said of children: to report incriminating information about another person, or a person's wrongdoing, usually to a person in a position of authority over the accused person; to tell on somebody.
Verb: To quarrel in a tiresome, insulting manner.
Noun: A teacher of Hindu mysticism.
doozy M
Noun: (US) Something that is extraordinary: often troublesome, difficult or problematic, but sometimes extraordinary in a positive sense.
Adjective: Pulsing with energy or activity.
Adjective: Inclined to resent, who tends to harbor resentment, when wronged.
Noun: (legal) In common law, the formal document specifying plaintiff's cause of action, including the facts necessary to sustain a proper cause of action, and to advise the defendant of the grounds upon which he is being sued.
Noun: Intense bombing of a military target with the aim of destroying it.
pincer H
Verb: (transitive) To surround with a pincer attack.
Noun: An army unit that uses such weapons, or a military formation using projectile weapons, such as archers.
Noun: A formal agreement, especially between nations, to end combat.
Noun: (by extension) Someone in a nominal position of leadership who has no actual power; a front or front man.
Adjective: Opposite; in an opposite direction; in opposition; adverse.
Noun: A sudden, vast change in a situation, a discipline, or the way of thinking and behaving.

Episode 6: Moaning Lisa

bebop C
Noun: (music genre) An early form of modern jazz played by small groups and featuring driving rhythms and complex, often dissonant harmonies.
Adjective: Universally agreed upon; not disputed.
tome C
Noun: A large or scholarly book.
Noun: (music) A specific method of using the fingers to play an instrument.
Noun: (music) The highest register of a woodwind instrument, or a specific note in this register
Noun: A burst, split, or break.
Adjective: Strange, not familiar.
Adjective: (by extension) Without restraint or limit.

Episode 7: The Call of the Simpsons

Noun: (figurative) Something which has the qualities of great power and might, and monstrous proportions.
blurt E
Verb: To utter suddenly and unadvisedly; to speak quickly or without thought; to divulge inconsiderately — commonly with out.
Noun: (countable) A specific requirement for obtaining a legal status, conducting a transaction, etc.
beaut M
Noun: (informal) Something that is a remarkable example of its type.
Noun: A person or other entity who is first or among the earliest in any field of inquiry, enterprise, or progress.
Noun: A man who lives and works in woodland; a forester or woodman.
befall M
Verb: (transitive) To happen to.
Noun: The state or condition of being naked; nudity; bareness; defenselessness; undisguisedness.
fern C
Noun: Any of a group of some twenty thousand species of vascular plants classified in the division that lack seeds and reproduce by shedding spores to initiate an alternation of generations.
Noun: (historical) A newcomer or arriviste to the region in the American frontier (Old West and Wild West).
Adjective: Exceeding all description.
Adjective: Of, or in the manner of a brute
Noun: Someone who is an expert in, or devoted to, some specific branch of study or research.
Noun: A fellow member of a profession, staff, academic faculty or other organization; an associate.
Adjective: (figurative) Considerable in amount.
Adjective: Of or relating to anatomy or dissection.
Adjective: Not conclusive, not leading to a conclusion.
Noun: A faint or remote possibility (as it were a flash of light).
Noun: A young German woman.

Episode 8: The Telltale Head

Adjective: Not influenced by the strong emotions or prejudices.
Noun: (Midland US) A sensationally exciting or successful event or person.
Adjective: Lacking respect; not having or not showing respect for or seriousness towards something that is usually treated with respect; going against conventional precepts.
Noun: The necrosis and rotting of flesh, usually caused by lack of blood supply.
Adjective: Essential or decisive for determining the outcome or future of something; extremely important; vital.
Noun: A person, especially an entertainer, who practices ventriloquism.
Noun: An event; a fact; a particular incident, occurrence, or condition (status).
Adjective: Of or relating to theology.
perish M
Verb: (intransitive) To die; to cease to live.
delude H
Verb: (transitive) To deceive into believing something which is false; to lead into error; to dupe.
Noun: Someone who settles in a new location, especially one who takes up residence in a previously uninhabited place; a colonist.
Adjective: Insulting in manner or words, particularly in an arrogant or insubordinate manner.
Noun: A folding knife with a blade which opens automatically (under spring pressure) when a button is pressed.
Verb: (transitive) To make (something) look like marble; to marble.
Adjective: (military) Having properties that diminish radar signatures.
Verb: (transitive) To remove the head of.
Noun: (countable) An extremely cruel act; a horrid act of injustice.
Adjective: Marked by extreme and violent energy.
brink M
Noun: (figurative) The edge or border.
mutual M
Adjective: Reciprocal.

Episode 9: Life on the Fast Lane

Verb: Intentionally, or after deliberation; not accidentally.
Noun: (US) A cut of beef from the lower part of the back, where the last ribs are (called rump in UK English).
Noun: A singer, particularly a professional singer who performs ballads.
Noun: Cartilage; now especially: cartilage present, as a tough substance, in meat.
Verb: (figurative) To guide, steer, manage purposefully
satiny E
Adjective: Like satin, smooth and shiny, glossy.
caress E
Verb: (transitive) To touch or kiss lovingly; to fondle.
Noun: An expert in the field of psychology.
Noun: An excess amount provided in one area in an effort to overcome a perceived lack in another area.
Noun: The eagerness associated with waiting for something to occur.

Episode 10: Homer's Night Out

spiked H
Adjective: (of a beverage) Containing alcohol or drugs, often without the knowledge of those who partake.
Noun: Actions performed to keep some machine or system functioning or in service.
cursed H
Adjective: Hateful; damnable; accursed
stag M
Noun: (countable) A social event for men held in honor of a groom on the eve of his wedding, attended by male friends of the groom; sometimes a fundraiser.
Noun: A type of savoury cake, typically flat and round, made from batter and yeast, containing many small holes and served toasted, usually with butter.
Verb: (obsolete) To make inquisition concerning; to inquire into.
Adjective: Disorderly and boisterous.
Noun: A piece of quality, indicative of having been made by a master; a masterpiece.
doozy M
Noun: (US) Something that is extraordinary: often troublesome, difficult or problematic, but sometimes extraordinary in a positive sense.
Adjective: Providing information; especially, providing useful or interesting information.
Adjective: Excessively nervous, excited, tense, angry, anxious, or upset; overemotional; very uneasy.
Adjective: Having a greater than normal sexual appetite
Noun: Any of three species of arboreal anthropoid ape, characterised by their shaggy reddish-brown coat and long arms, which comprise the genus ; of Borneo, of Sumatra or of South Tapanuli (in Sumatra).
bawdy H
Adjective: (of language) Sexual in nature and usually meant to be humorous but considered rude; ribald.
ilk M
Noun: A type, race or category; a group of entities that have common characteristics such that they may be grouped together.
Noun: Power of attraction; power to excite the feelings and to gain the affections.
Verb: To adore excessively; to revere immoderately.
Noun: (countable) A clear deep blue variety of corundum, valued as a precious stone.
Noun: Any small sparkling object.

Episode 11: The Crepes of Wrath

Verb: (transitive) To pass beyond the limits of something.
Adjective: Incurably depraved; not reformable.
Noun: The act of expelling or the state of being expelled.
Verb: (intransitive) To be fitting.
Noun: The act of deporting or exiling, or the state of being deported; banishment; transportation.
Verb: (transitive) To involve or engage deeply.
fluent M
Adjective: Able to use a language accurately, rapidly, and confidently.
Adjective: With zealous fervor; excited, motivated.
Adjective: Out of the ordinary; odd; strange; unusual.
Noun: (economics) An economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit.
Verb: (transitive) To keep down by unjust force.
Noun: (chemistry) The obtaining of an element from one of its compounds, or of a compound from a mixture
module C
Noun: A self-contained component of a system, often interchangeable, which has a well-defined interface to the other components.
swine H
Noun: (pejorative) A contemptible person .
Adjective: In accordance with, or established by, custom or common usage.
Noun: A substance, such as glycol, used to lower the freezing point of water.
Verb: (transitive) To communicate news or information.
Adjective: Kept, or meant to be kept, secret within a certain circle of persons; not intended to be known publicly
Noun: (uncountable) A process by which an unknown location is found using three known distances from known locations.
Noun: The act or service of welcoming, receiving, hosting, or entertaining guests; an appropriate attitude of openness, respect, and generosity toward guests.

Episode 12: Krusty Gets Busted

Noun: A continuously revolving device for item delivery.
Noun: Something appealing, usually a pleasing food, especially a choice dish of a certain culture suggesting rarity and refinement.
siesta E
Noun: A nap, especially an afternoon one taken after lunch in some cultures.
Noun: Sketch, illustration, or painting.
Noun: An extended adventurous voyage.
Adjective: Mysterious.
Noun: A swinging horizontal bar suspended at each end by a rope, used by circus artists.
mime M
Noun: A form of acting without words; pantomime.
Adjective: Juicy or lush.
Noun: The appearance of something that glistens.
Noun: (uncountable) The inability to read and write.
Noun: A place of worship for Jews or Samaritans.
mosque E
Noun: (Islam) A place of worship for Muslims, often having at least one minaret; a masjid.
Adjective: Disappointed; experiencing disillusionment; having lost one's illusions.
Adverb: In a relative manner; with reference to environment or competition; contextually or comparatively.
Noun: (legal) An associate in the commission of a crime; a participator in an offense, whether a principal or an accessory.
Noun: A mindset; a way of thinking; a set of beliefs.
Noun: (figuratively) A current movement that attracts wide support.
ablaze M
Adverb: In a state of glowing excitement or ardent desire.
Adjective: Large in size, quantity, or value; ample; significant.
Noun: (legal) The member of a jury who presides over it and speaks on its behalf.
Noun: (music) Either a continuous sliding from one pitch to another ("true" glissando), or an incidental scale played while moving from one melodic note to another ("effective" glissando).
Adjective: Of or pertaining to or harking back to a former time; old-fashioned; characterized by simplicity.
Noun: That which nourishes; nutriment.
Noun: The manners or decent behaviour to be observed in social or professional life; conventional decorum; the ceremonial code of polite society.
Adjective: Offensively condescending.
volley C
Noun: The simultaneous firing of a number of missiles or bullets; the projectiles so fired.
Adjective: Characterized by intensity; deeply felt; pervading
Noun: (military) Military unit composed of several regiments (or battalions) and including soldiers from different arms of service.
titan H
Noun: Something or someone of very large stature, greatness, or godliness.
dispel M
Verb: (transitive) To drive away or cause to vanish by scattering.
Verb: (transitive) To mention as a case or example; to refer to; to cite
Noun: An object made to commemorate a person, mark an event, etc.
Noun: A child who has not yet reached puberty.
Noun: A state of great disorder or uncertainty.
Noun: A school of philosophy popularized during the Roman Empire that emphasized reason as a means of understanding the natural state of things, or logos, and as a means of freeing oneself from emotional distress.
Adjective: (in combination) Having a specified kind or number of heart.
Adjective: Repeated too often.
Verb: To waste, lavish, splurge; to spend lavishly or profusely; to dissipate.
vulgar H
Adjective: Debased; uncouth; distasteful; obscene.
meddle H
Verb: To interfere in or with; to concern oneself with unduly.

Episode 13: Some Enchanted Evening

beady E
Adjective: Resembling beads; small, round, and gleaming.
Noun: An older person who accompanies other younger people to ensure the propriety of their behaviour, often an older woman accompanying a young woman.
Adjective: Not suspecting; without any suspicion.
alias H
Noun: Another name; especially, an assumed name.
Noun: (figurative) The outset of something; the point of entry, or the beginning of an action.
Noun: An unruly, rowdy or mischievous person.